Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Doughnuts with a One Year Old

I can't believe a year ago today I became an aunt to a tiny, beautiful little girl. This year has flown by and Kate has grown so much! Much like her aunty she is pretty vocal, and much like her mommy she loves carbs. She's a sweet little girl that loves to laugh, even when she has no idea why she's laughing.

Maegan and Andrew have a family tradition. Birthday doughnuts. I'm thinking everyone should adopt this tradition. Every year for your birthday you get doughnuts for breakfast and this time they invited me and my camera to come along!

Happy First Birthday sweet Kate! Aunt Juju loves you very much!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Fun at the Saster's

We went over to Maegan's house (that would be the Saster) last week for dinner. She texted me and said she had 20 sandwiches already made and needed help eating them. Free food. I'm in. Here are some pictures :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wonky and Woot-tastic Wednesday

I'm back!!! Miss me? It's Wednesday and that means it's time for Wonky and Woot-tastic Wednesday. It has been a while so I'll explain how it works. Every Wednesday I recap some of the weird/sad/crappy (wonky) and happy/funny/not crappy (woot-tastic) things that have happened throughout the week. Let's get to it!

-    When did it become OK for people to call other people fat? It's not ok. It's rude and hateful. It's particularly rude and hateful when someone expresses to you that they don't appreciate your comments on their weight and you continue to do so. You're not funny, you're mean so stop.
-    It's summer here in the great state of Texas and that means it's pretty toasty. Not as toasty as usual but toasty none-the-less. Which means I sweat. A lot. Sorry but it's true and it's annoying.
-    Sharing a bathroom with a guy is gross.
-    I love to cook but I am in desperate need of some non-chicken recipes. You know you make chicken too much when your husband sends you this text:
-    My sweet little Jixer had surgery Monday. He went in to remove two cysts, one under his arm and one under his chest. When they removed the cyst under his arm they realized part of it was actually a tumor. The good news is the vet is pretty confident it was benign and he said they removed it all. Jixer should be just fine. He was VERY high his first day home and very pathetic. He is now back to his normal goofy self. If he jumps on or off the couch again I think Ryan might have a heart attack though. 

-    Any Game Of Throne watchers out there???? Do I really need to tell you why this is under Wonky? If you haven't seen the season finale.... you need to go watch it so you can cry and be depressed and hate the world with me. Go ahead. Watch it. Let me know your thoughts when you do.

-    Maegan came over with AJ and Kate to go swimming. We had LOTS of fun! Can't wait for them to come back.

 -    I love my Erin Condren Life Planner. People probably think I'm a little nuts but it motivates me to get things done. I decorate it so it's pretty and nice to look at which makes it more fun to check things off my to do list. I love my planner so much that I have corrupted my friend into getting one and she has started corrupting other people. It's a wonderful cycle.

 -    I almost put this under wonky but it's woot-tastic too. My sweet little niece is going to be one next week and I think I'm in denial. Wasn't she just born like a week ago? Anywho, I went over to Maegan's house and we did a trial run of her cake. I can't decide if it's cute or creepy. Or both.

-    I had such a healthy lunch the other day it was almost scary. In the bowl was cut up strawberries and kiwi and some blueberries. Then I had a hard boiled egg and an avocado. It was so yummy and filling! I think I had pizza for supper...

 -    I am getting back in to photography! I'm super excited about it. Now that my schedule is a little less hectic I'm going to work really hard so I can get more experience and hopefully eventually I'll actually be a decent photographer with a decent little business!

Alright, well that's this weeks Wonky and Woot-tastic Wednesday. I'm glad to be back and hopefully you're glad I'm back too. In the meantime, what do y'all have planned for Father's Day?

Saturday, June 13, 2015


Like most girls, I have spent most of my life wondering what my wedding day would be like. Where would it be? What would my colors be? What food would I serve? What would my bridesmaids wear? What would I wear? I finally know the answers to all of those questions. It’s amazing how much time and energy you spend on ONE day of your life. One day. I have been planning ONE day since before I even knew who I would be marrying on that one day. It’s amazing how quickly that one day passes by. I barely remember it! I remember a very sick flower girl. I remember feeling like I should be more nervous and then FINALLY my nerves hit me when I started putting on my dress. I remember taking more pictures. I remember lining up to walk into the church and wondering why on earth it was taking so long for it to be MY TURN. I remember wondering if we were walking to fast (we were). I remember thinking my feet were going to fall off. I remember taking more pictures. We ate at some point, although not very much. We said hi to people, danced a little, took more pictures and then we left and drove through Taco Bell (yep, Taco Bell. In my wedding dress). It was over. I was married. Now we start our lives together.
            For most people that means going on a honeymoon but for us, it meant staying home. We had a wonderful day-after party the day after we got married. We got to spend time with family and friends that we didn’t get to see as much at the wedding. Then, on Monday real life began. Ryan got sick and I really began my role as “wife” and care taker. He spent our first week of married with a double ear infection, sinus infection and upper respiratory infection. Who knew the “in sickness and in health” part of our vows would kick in so quickly?

            Of course when you get married you usually change your last name to your husband’s last name. Why is this such a pain?  You would think they would make it easier. You have to go sit at the Social Security office, which is not an easy place to find, figure out what option corresponds with “I want to change my last name because I just got married” in their little computer check in thingy, then you have to figure out where on earth you’re supposed to sit because they have 3 different sections to the building and not a single sign that tells you what each section is for, and then you have to wait. Forever. Then you spend 5 minutes changing your name and you’re done with that part. Then, you have to go change your name at the DMV. THEN you have to wait for your new social security card to some in so you can change your name at the bank. OH AND you have to change your name at work which means you have to contact 565144891233 people to make sure it’s changed in all the different little thingys they need to change it in. Seriously. Also, when you’ve been signing your name a certain way for 23 years, it’s REALLY hard to sign it with a different last name! I had to practice because I kept signing my maiden name. And that first time you’re called “Mrs. Bonney”, and you look around for your mother in law and then realize that now YOU’RE Mrs. Bonney. Oh. Duh. That’s me. Don’t mind me I’m just a newlywed.

            Now I am learning how to juggle being a wife, having a job and having a social life. I'm learning that I may never eat some of my favorite foods again because my husband won't eat them. We are learning to enjoy the little things in life because, much like our wedding, it will go by quickly. We are enjoying our MUCH awaited life as a married couple.

            OK, that’s enough about the wonders of being a newlywed. Enjoy some pictures!


All photos were taken by Bayou Rose Photography.