Sunday, July 5, 2015

Soon-to-be Sport Bike Wife

Ryan has wanted a bike for YEARS. Until recently we hadn't been in a place where he could actually get one BUT things change.

In a way I'm excited for him. He has wanted one for a long time and I know this is something that will make him very happy, which in turn makes me happy too. I'm looking forward to riding on the back of it (stop freaking out Mom). I've ridden on the back of our friends bike and it was a blast!


There's this voice in the back of my head that keeps reminding me this is dangerous. Really dangerous. There will be a day that I will get a phone call "Hi. I'm on the side of I-35 and my bike is totaled. Can you come get me?" It might not be on 35, but that phone call is coming and that terrifies me. He has already wrecked once and I was there to witness him flipping over the handlebars. Not exactly something I want to relive.

It's happening though and I'm excited for him. And terrified. And excited. And terrified. Get the picture? He will be happy, at least until he wrecks.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wonky and Woot-tastic Wednesday

It Wednesday!!! Let's get to it!


    - Living with a man isn't bad or awful but there are some down falls. Sharing a bathroom with a man is gross. Since he's tall and I'm short sometimes he puts things out of my reach and I have to climb on things to get them down, on the plus side when something is on a high shelf at the grocery store, I don't have to climb shelves to get it. The most recent down fall I've discovered is when he closes things. Jars or bottles suddenly become impossible to open because he closed them so only a man with super human strength could open them again. It's not all bad, but those 3 things, so far, are the worst.
    - I agreed over a month ago to hedgehog sit for a lady while she went on her honeymoon, which is fine. No big deal. Then mom and dad had to take an emergency trip to Mississippi, which means I also have their dog, Martin, and mom's hedgehog, Crowley. We currently have 7 animals in this apartment. Seven. It's a very full house over here.
Mabel, the honeymoon hog.
Rebel, Jixer and Martin helping me with business stuff
Crowley, Mom's hedgie
Ivy, my hog

Prim, my hog 
    - I'm really glad we got all that rain and everything but is anyone else totally over the bugs? I get eaten alive just taking the dogs out (granted it takes forever since now I'm taking out three dogs but still). ENOUGH WITH THE BUGS!
    - My mom has been gone for over three weeks. I kinda miss her a lot :(
    - Almost every day I come home for lunch. It's not usually a very eventful or interesting trip, except for today. When I walked up to my door there was a car seat sitting there. It was gone when I came back home from work but I found it very puzzling.


    - My best friend has been very exciting lately! She is now a stay at home mom AND she got a puppy! His name is Hendrick and I want him. He's very floppy and puppy-like. Sorry the photo is blurry. He was trying to play.

    - A while back a friend of ours gave us a wine fridge. The top part was over heating. Well one of the perks to living with a man, or at least my man, is he can fix things! So, now I have a working wine fridge. It's currently housing two bottles of wine and some vodka. I need to stock up. Any suggestions?
    - I've started back to making my own laundry soap again. Ryan had bought this giant thing of laundry soap from Costco and it FINALLY ran out (after like  a year) so I made my soap. I had forgotten how much I love the smell.
    - I love cooking. I don't love cooking as much after a very long, busy day at work. Unfortunately, my husband still demands food and I'm not so much fun when I'm hungry either. So, I prep EVERYTHING the night before. Everything that can be prepped gets prepped. The sides get seasoned if I can season them ahead of time, the meat gets put together, veggies get chopped and diced. It makes it much easier for me to come home on my lunch break and shove something in the crock pot or to throw it on the stove or in the oven when I get home. Easy peasy. Also, we eat A LOT of chicken. 

Sorry this week isn't a very interesting or eventful post. I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th Of July! Don't do anything too stupid!