Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Day!

So, I realize that I am SUCH a HORRIBLE blogger! It really does make me feel bad that I don't post on here at least every other day. The really sad part is, I'm not actually busy. I'm just busy doing nothing... somewhere else. Lol. Usually I'm watching TV or looking at stuff on Pinterest. Anywho, on to Christmas Day!

Christmas day was SOO BUSY! First of all, I had gotten sick with a really bad sinus infection or something like that. I started feeling bad Wednesday, woke up Thursday and felt HORRIBLE, could barely speak because my throat hurt so bad. I was in the doctors office at 2pm on Thursday so I could get on antibiotics and wouldn't be contagious for Christmas Eve at my sisters' house! I still didn't feel GREAT by Christmas day, but I wasn't contagious and I was going to live. I woke up on Christmas Day around 9:30am (which is early for me lol). I got dressed in my skinny jeans, adorable brown boots, cream sweater and a cute scarf (I'll have to get the pictures later). I put some chocolate covered peanut butter balls, and two different kinds of fudge in a cute Christmas container, put it down on the counter to go get the presents and put them in the car... but I left without the cute container! AND I was supposed to bring the dessert! ERGH! I realized that after I had already gotten to Ryan's apartment. So much for bringing the dessert. We called Ryan's mom and told her what happened, thankfully Ryan's sister in law was also bringing dessert, so it wasn't a big deal lol. Once we got to Ryan's parents house we ate lunch and opened presents. I was disappointed in my gift for Ryan's older nephew. Neither of us know him very well and I just ended up giving him (a 12 year old boy) a gift card to Cabelas :(. I don't like giving gift cards, especially not to kids! Hopefully he can get some good fishing stuff with it though.

After we finished at Ryan's parents house we came back to my house for my families Christmas! We ate supper around 5:30pm which was REALLY yummy! AND THENNNNN we went off to open presents!! Our Christmas tree was flooded with presents! That's not even all of them in the picture! Ryan and AJ got, by far, the most presents! Ryan got Battlefield 3, 2 pairs of jeans, 3 shirts, a coffee grinder, coffee filters and coffee (he had a theme going on lol) and my dad got him a whole bunch of tools! I got a necklace, The Sims 3 Pets(yes, I do play The Sims and have since the original Sims), Earmuffs for when my dad and I got shooting(tomorrow!), OH a mechanical hand haha. The mechanical hand is kind of a joke. Last year I was vacuuming and the vacuum wasn't sucking, so I took it apart and found the tube was stopped up by a TON of stuff. I didn't have anything long or skinny enough to fit up there so I called my dad and asked him if he had anything, and he told me to get the mechanical hand out of the toolbox. I opened the bottom drawer of his red tool box and behold!!, the mechanical hand! Basically all it is... is this long, slinky like rod that can bend and maneuver in all different directions, and when you push the end of it, this claw comes out. I used the claw to grab the stuff out of the tube of the vacuum cleaner. Ever since then, it has been a joke that I should get my own because I'm always trying to find a reason to use it lol (I'm a dork, it's ok). Let's see, what else did I get? Oh, I got several cook books and a scarf.. OH my name present! I forgot about those! We did our name gifts on Christmas Eve but I'll go ahead and tell you what I got here. My cousin Austin got my name and he did SOOO WELL (by he, I actually mean Aunt Kathy and Katy lol). "Austin's little elves" got me a Vera Bradley computer bag for my laptop! It's SO PRETTY! I'm so excited about it! I got Uncle Mike's name and I got him a gift card to Cabela's because he LOVES fishing and can always use more fishing stuff. I also got him a big bag of Twizzlers, because he loves them lol. After Christmas Tree presents we, of course, had to open our stockings! In my stocking I got a flashlight, a travel cup with a monkey on it (monkey's are kind of an inside joke and an even longer story than the mechanical hand, so I'll spare you the details lol). I also got BEFF JERKY, sour patch kids and a gift card to Charming Charlies (which I have already used half of lol). All in all, it was a GREAT Christmas filled with people that I love and lots of fun and laughter.

Hopefully next year the WHOLE family will be able to get together!

Well, that's my Southern Soapbox for the day! Hopefully I will be a better blogger.... I will be posting about New Years and all that jazz soon!

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