Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Birthday

On December 16th, 2010 Andrew Dixon Withers, JR came into our lives. We knew he would change our worlds, but we never imagined that he would turn it completely upside down.

At about 9:30pm December 15th Maegan started having contractions. Her husband, Andrew, took her to the hospital. Although she wasn't really in the active parts of labor, her doctor decided to admit her because her blood pressure was above normal. At about 12:30am my mom came in my room and told me that Maegan was at the hospital, in labor. I FREAKED!!! I took a shower so I would be ready to go to the hospital the second he was born. I think my mom and I got like 2 hours of sleep that night. I spent the night texting my sister, she spent the night watching reruns of ER and Criminal Minds lol. All day we sat around waiting. At about 5pm we got a text that she was about to start pushing!! And an hour and a half later, at 6:27pm on December 16th, 2010, the world was a brighter place. We rushed to the hospital and joined Andrews family to admire the new addition to our family. So, now with that back story, here comes my "real post". I saw someone that wrote a letter to their munchkin on their first birthday for them to read when they get older, so I am going to do the same thing (except it's for my nephew, and on a blog lol).

Dear AJ,

You are a blessing to this world and to our family. I can't imagine life with out you in it. You are the happiest baby I have ever seen. Every time I see you, you always run up to me squawking and flapping your arms like a little bird. You love to meet new people and always greet them with a smile. This first year of your life has been amazing to witness. You were trying to hold your head up, and doing a pretty good job at it, the day after you were born! Such a strong little man, and an over achiever! You started crawling at about 6 months old and walking at about 10 months! You are so strong willed, even at the young age of one year old. Keep being the energetic, fun loving, sweet little man that we all love.

You are surrounded  by people who love you. Remember to be kind to others and love them. Play hard but remember that hard work is also important. Enjoy your youth because you will only be a kid once. Remember that your family is your biggest fan and we are ALWAYS looking out for you. Your mommy and daddy are not trying to ruin your life, they love you and are trying to protect you. Even if that means not giving you what you want. You are never alone in this world. Not only do you have a family that loves you, you also have a God that loves you. He created you, just the way you are. Perfect. He loves you more than you could ever imagine, more than any human could. He has a plan for you, a wonderful plan. I cannot wait to see that plan unfold.

Love with all my heart,

Your Aunt Julie

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